“I discovered the secret of the sea in meditation of a dew drop”
-Kahill Gibran

One morning I woke up at 6:30 a.m. My alarm fell to the floor. When I reached for it my hand was immersed in water. My first thought was that the cat had knocked my water glass to the floor. When I turned on the light I saw two inches of water throughout the house!
Knowing the dangers of flooding from prior floods I had experienced, I went directly to the electric box and turned off the electricity. Then I found the cause of the problem: my old water heater was leaking from a rusty hole it’s the bottom…….

Although it did not appreciate it at the time, the flooding of my house was nature’s way of giving me the opportunity to cleanse and shift my interior and exterior. Having to repaint, get rid of damaged furniture, carpets, etc. was a step by step process of deciding how I wanted to clean out, simplify, and put my life and my home in order.
It was disruptive to live elsewhere while I pieced my home back to order. I did a lot of meditating, yoga and contemplation during that time. What I discovered in the process was that I had to get clear and calm in my mind to be able to listen to what was in my heart.

The question kept popping up in my mind, “Is the glass half empty or full? What if a glass of water is full? How was I supposed to fill it up with more? I realized that space, in life or a glass of water, only has the potential for more water and more opportunities if it is NOT completely full. I found it essential to empty out what was not working for me, to clean out the things that were causing distraction, and to think about what would empower me to thrive in my life and home.
I have watched my clients’ lives for 27 years as an interior designer, kundalini yoga teacher and a essential oil wellness advocate. Each of my clients have had to make changes in their homes because of changes in their lives: natural disasters, deaths, births, job relocations, retirements and so many other reasons. And yet, every one of my clients grew and prospered by going through a personal cleansing/change in their lives.

Everyone is continuously changing and nature / life has a way of helping us into consciously make changes for our own good. Through any type of life stage that requires change, we need to be in a place of neutral. This place of neutral is emphasized in many spiritual practices and traditions and may be accessed through stillness, contemplation, concentration, meditation and/ or prayer. Ultimately it is the attainment of this state that enables us to re- sync with our inner knower.
Where do people and flowers flourish? In places that are the right environments; in spots that have good water, air, sunlight, and have clear spaces to expand. It is essential to stop, to be in the present moment, to breathe, clear the mind and listen to our hearts for us to find the place that will nourish, rejuvenate, and help us to grow.

If I could give a gift of love to you it would be; to take 5 or 10 minutes in your day. Find something to look at that bring you joy. Close your eyes. remember that you have an inner knower, an inner home that is always there for you. If that doesn’t work get to your nearest yoga studio and call me in the morning!

*Laurel James is a National Interior Designer and author of Interiorology. In addition, she is an experienced Essential Oil Wellness Advocate and a Kundalini Yoga Instructor (as taught by Yogi Bhajan). She can be reached at laurel@interior-ology.com.